There is no way to stop this runaway train…

$118 Billion for Israel and Ukraine?

Armstrong Economics

Washington has been compromised by a foreign global power. Protecting America is not a priority, in fact, abolishing America seems to be the priority for our politicians on both sides. New York is providing $53 million to illegals who are above the law, and have even assaulted police officers without consequence. The overall funding involved in the calculated invasion was unsustainable long ago. So where are our leaders sending OUR tax funds? Israel and Ukraine.

In a measure that proves politicians are two wings on the same bird, the Senate released a bipartisan proposal to secure the borders of Israel and Ukraine. Years ago, the very same people who are approving these spending packages were outraged at the proposition of a mere wall between the US-Mexico border, which would have only cost around $12 billion at the time. Washington is now requesting to send $118.2 billion to these two foreign nations.

It is now up to House Republicans to stop this madness. Some only want to fund Israel and not Ukraine. Very few are asking for all the funding to go to the US border. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said preserving Israel’s border is “sacred,” and their war should be funded without question.

America’s national debt has surpassed $34 trillion. US Federal spending has surpassed $6.5 trillion, and the federal budget is operating at a $1.9 trillion deficit. The migrant crisis will cost America untold fortunes. The masses are waking up and realizing that there are no checks and balances in Washington.

Our elected leaders are permitted to do as they please with our collective funds while leaving their own people high and dry.

If we are powerless to remove them from office, yes, they can do as they please. The Democrats wring their hands and worry about Trump being “a threat to Democracy” when there is no Democracy now. We live in a Kleptocracy because our vote no longer gets counted. Yes, I will continue to state the obvious until we all wake up and demand fair elections. But don’t stay up late waiting for that to happen. Democrats are crooks and Republicans are cowards. That’s about the size of it.

The Liberator

One thought on “There is no way to stop this runaway train…”

  1. I keep wondering where is the match which will light the fuse to blow this nation to complete chaos status. We are close to that, in my humble estimation, right now. The Texas border situation may do it if the feds decide to attempt to shutdown the lawful actions of the TX governor.
    Or, maybe someone will wander into wherever the chinese illegals are being housed and organized and trained.
    So many possibilities for the start of the sh*t show.
    Just sayin’.

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