The Vaccine Was Never About Protecting Against the Virus

New Study: COVID Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Over Time

Armstrong Economics

By now, we all know multiple people who have been tripe vaccinated but still caught the virus numerous times. CDC director Rochelle Walensky even came down with COVID last week despite following the “science.” Researchers with Moderna and Kaiser Permanente found that the effectiveness rate of three doses was over 50% after 150 days against a version of the Omicron variant. However, the study also found that the effectiveness of the vaccine turned NEGATIVE between 91 and 150 days, depending on the strain.

A negative vaccine reaction means it leaves the patient (victim) more susceptible to catching the illness. This is not the only study that found that COVID vaccine effectiveness turns negative within months. Moderna is attempting to brush this study under the rug, but now there is proof that the vaccines are, in fact, making people sick and lowering their natural immune responses.

If there were any legitimate health agencies left, they would immediately pull the COVID vaccines from the shelves. Instead, they continue to promote these deadly potions to the most vulnerable in our population.

It was about two things: Compliance by the masses, and massive profits for the elites. And, hey, if a few million people died, that would be a bonus for the population control freaks like Gates. – The Liberator.

3 thoughts on “The Vaccine Was Never About Protecting Against the Virus”

  1. Today, 10/27/22, I went for routine bloodwork and was informed that it is required to wear a mask. Not having one, I was informed that there was a box that I could take one from. The box of masks that were made of useless thin materials was made in China. I am perfectly healthy and was so tempted to ask if they would refuse to draw blood if I refused to wear a mask. You can wear whatever you want to protect yourself and yet you are not wearing N95, just ridiculous “cute” masks. China wins! What a brilliant marketing scheme. This is ridiculous.

    1. BULLSEYE!! It’s all a combination of four things: the release of the virus was a perfectly-timed way to destroy Trump’s reelection chances…and NOT a coincidence; insiders (including China) immediately saw it as a way to make billions, which easily explains the discrediting of HCQ and Ivermectin (the issuing of the vaccine EUA required that there be no other treatments); global elites used it to control the populace in anticipation of a worldwide reset; and inept politicians worldwide over-reacted to something no worse than a bad seasonal flu, either due to an inordinate desire to exercise their power, or out of a sense of duty to the idiots at WHO , CDC, NIH and elsewhere who issued ridiculous mandates and guidance. THERE WILL BE INDICTMENTS AND LAWSUITS FOR A VERY LONG TIME, and the people will win.

  2. Yep. “If there were any legitimate health agencies left…”, so agree.
    I am in serious doubt there are very few medical personnel remaining who can be trusted to do the right thing, when it comes to personal health. I dropped my last physician after she constantly hounded me to get the “shot”. And then, she “retired”. Suddenly. Don’t know what to make of that. After the masks were outed as being useless, again, the system I use still required one on their properties. Given that level of brilliance, I just quit going to their facilities. So far, knock on wood, I’m doing well.
    Just sayin’.

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