THIS is Liberalism

Ted Cruz forced to admit trafficking migrants to Martha’s Vineyard is illegal in Sean Hannity interview

Ron DeSantis widely criticized for flying two planeloads of Venezuelans to upscale Massachusetts island

Graeme Masse, Independent News

Ted Cruz was forced to admit by Sean Hannity that the transportation of undocumented migrants from Florida to Martha’s Vineyard by Ron DeSantis was likely illegal.

The Florida governor has been widely criticised for flying two planeloads of Venezuelans to the upscale island, where Barack Obama has a $12m home, as part of a Republican immigration publicity stunt.

Mr Cruz, a US Senator from Texas, cast doubt on the legality of the move when he appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show.

Hannity asked the Canadian-born lawmaker whether he would likely face arrest if he had personally taken a truck, collected immigrants from the border, and driven them across the country.

This is the lunacy of liberal thinking. Millions of illegals allowed and even encouraged to enter AMERICA by Biden & Mayorca ISN’T ILLEGAL, but 50 illegals arrive in Martha’s Vineyard and it’s a national scandal. What do you think was the point of the Martha’s Vineyard illegals drop?? It was to draw attention to the insanity of Biden’s immigration policies! Good grief, talk about selective outrage. Fifty illegals shipped to Martha’s Vineyard is more egregious than 3 million+ and counting illegals allowed into the US and provided with billions of dollars in benefits free of charge. Hilarious.

This will all blow up in the Dems faces on Election Day in less than two months.

– The Liberator

One thought on “THIS is Liberalism”

  1. For what’s worth it’s absolutely is illegal, but I absolutely get it!

    Your medicine taste like monkey a$$ don’t it?
    It’s so funny! AND! It’s deserved! These Dem/fascist are really showing their colors

    There’s another side though that should not be ignored.

    It doesn’t matter who ships them where if they’re not shipped south. They’ll still apply for and get benefits at taxpayer expense and create anchor babies. Deport is the much needed procedure.

    Here is the law for those interested.
    A great many Dems should be in prison for violation the transportation clause

    1907. TITLE 8, U.S.C. 1324(A) OFFENSES

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