Left Brain/Right Brain

With Contributions from Bryce Buchanan, The Burning Platform

How The Left Thinks

Most of the big things that people need can be free if we get the right people in positions of power.  In a decent country, politicians will provide a guaranteed income, free school, free housing and food for people who want it, and free medical care.  Good politicians would also give most of these benefits, including free health care, to anyone who comes across our open border.  It’s the right thing to do.

How The Right Thinks

Nothing but the air you breathe is free.  Politicians cannot “provide” anything that they do not take from a productive citizen.  Politicians can only provide coercion and deficit spending.  Only  productive citizens can provide goods and services.  In countries where politicians take total control of the economy, economic devastation follows, always and everywhere.  It’s the wrong thing to do.

Now you understand why there will always be a cultural divide in America because you will never convince people who believe they should get “something for nothing” – and lots of it – that they can’t have it and don’t deserve it. They will demand it because “It’s the right thing to do.” – The Liberator

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