Here is What Biden’s Promised “Return to Normalcy” Actually Means

By David Blackmon, DB Daily Update

Much of the Biden/Harris election campaign this year was based on the prospect that the elevation of their planned co-presidency would represent a return to the “normalcy” Americans and America experienced during the four presidencies that preceded the presidency of Donald J. Trump. This prospect was of course echoed in the corrupt news media and presented as a positive thing to America’s voters.

But what did this longed-for “normalcy” look like for the 28 years before Donald Trump took office in January, 2017?

– It looked like the U.S. becoming involved in all manner of needless and deadly wars in the Middle East and Northern Africa, with thousands of military personnel being killed and maimed every year;

– It looked like economic stagnation;

– It looked like high federal personal tax rates;

– It looked like high federal taxes on capital gains and corporate incomes that caused millions of jobs and trillions of dollars in major investments to flow overseas;

– It looked like heavy-handed bureaucracies lording their power over every facet of our personal lives;

– It looked like extremely high rates of unemployment among Blacks, Hispanics and women;

– It looked like a military complex withering on the vine as the ChiComs strove for strategic supremacy with America’s willing assistance;

– It looked like high gasoline prices at the pump that were regularly $1.00 per gallon or more higher than they are today as a result of much higher dependency on foreign oil;

– It looked like making deals that enriched the despotic Iranian Mullahs and allowed them to pursue development of nuclear weapons without international penalties;

– It looked like entering into multi-lateral trade agreements that enrich other nations at the expense of main street America;

– It looked like entering into multi-lateral arrangements like the Paris Climate Accords that were nothing more than wealth redistribution schemes that benefit everyone but America;

– It looked like constantly rising costs of medical care and prescription drugs, both of which have decreased the last two years for the first time in half a century;

– It looked like the U.S. government bowing to the will of globalist groups like the EU and the UN, where China, Cuba and Mexico sit in judgment of U.S. human rights this week;

– Open borders and mass migration that steadily erodes the standard of living in the United States.

That is what we will be returning to if Joe Biden/Kamala Harris are certified as the “winners” of this election.

Oh boy.

Way to go, you idiotic Biden voters. You have proven that Liberals really are completely, totally, irredeemably Nuts. – The Liberator

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