Game Over for Biden

What was supposed to be a cream puff interview became a nuclear explosion heard round the world…

By David Blackmon, DB Daily Update

Morning Mike Just Destroyed Joe Biden

I’m not kidding, folks. Watch the 2-minute clip below and tell me how Biden overcomes this. [Transcript follows]:


Mika: Why not approve a search of her name in those [Univ. of Delaware] records?

Biden: [3 second silence] Approve a search of her name.

Mika: Yes, and anything that might be related to Tara Reade in the University of Delaware records.

Biden: [2 second silence] There IS nothing. They wouldn’t, they, they’re not there. And if they ha, if, if its th, I, I, I, o, uh, you know, I don’t understand what y-, the point you’re trying to make.

Mika: The point I’m trying to make is…

Biden: There are no personal records by definition…

Mika: …you are…the point I’m trying to make is that you are approving and actually calling for a search at the National Archives records of everything pertaining to Tara Reade. [speaking sloooowwwwly now] I’m asking why not do the same in the University of Delaware records, which have raised questions [Biden shuts his eyes tightly now] because they were supposed to be revealed to the public and then they were sealed for a longer period of time. Why not do it for both sets of records?

Biden: Because th-, the material [rapid eye-blinking now] in th-the d, University of Delaware has no personnel files and it has, but it does have a lot of confidential conversations that I had with the President about a particular issue, that I had with the heads of state of other places…that that would not be something that would be revealed while I was in public office or while I was seeking public office. It just stands to reason…the best of my knowledge, no one else has done that either. [looks like he’s begging for sympathy at this point]

Mika: [Trying make it clear once again] I’m just talking about her name, not anybody else in those records, a search for that.

Biden: [5 seconds of silence]

Mika: [Tries yet again] Nothing’s classified, not with a president or anybody else. [Very sloooowly one more time] I’m just talking about a search for Tara Reade’s name, in the University of Delaware records.

Biden: [3 more seconds of silence, and rapid eye-blinking] Look, I’m, uh, I mean, who-who-who, you know, does that search? [Goes silent again]

Mika: [clearly frustrated that her efforts to do this idiot a favor are failing] The University of Delaware, uhhhh, perhaps you set up a commission that can do it? I don’t know, whatever is the fairest way to create the most transparency.

Biden: [groans] Well, this is… look. Mika. She says she filed a report. She has her employment records still. She said she filed a report with the only…



To be clear, I had assumed this would be your classic effort by the fake news media to perform what the political pros refer to as an “inoculation interview.” That’s the process in which a candidate facing a tough issue sits down with a carefully-chosen corrupt interviewer like Mika to do a carefully-constructed interview in which the questions were all vetted in advance. The candidate provides carefully-worded answers drafted by staffers to those pre-approved questions, and the interview ends. The rest of the corrupt news media outlets then take the position that the questions have been “asked and answered,” and refuses to address them going forward on the ground that they are now “old news.”

In watching the interview, I still believe that was the plan going in, and things appeared to be going fairly smoothly until Biden chose to dissemble in answer to this particular, very simple question. I feel sure that Morning Mika fully expected Biden to answer with, “Sure, we can do that if you want to, but I already know that there’s no personnel records there – they’re all in the National Archives.” Something like that, anyway.

But he didn’t do that, and it obviously caught Mika off-guard.

It is also quite obvious that, midway through the interview, as Biden became increasingly incoherent, Mika suddenly realize that, oops, all those people who have been saying this guy is not right in the head are – gasp! – right. You can see it in her face and in the way she spends two solid minutes attempting to baby him through what is a very softball question with an easy answer, treating him at several points in the same way one would treat a 3 year-old toddler.

Thus, what was no doubt intended to be an inoculation interview suddenly turned into a potential death knell for a presidential campaign. These two minutes of video will now be used repeatedly, over and over and over again, by the Trump campaign and supporting Super PACs to flood the airwaves with ads that will devastate Biden if he ends up being the nominee.

Somewhere, Hillary Clinton is drafting the acceptance speech she will give after the big money Democrat donors convince Biden to hang it up in a month or so, and the DNC hands her its nomination for one final swing at the presidency.

Biden won’t be the nominee. Not after this.

That is all.

The question now is whether the Leftist media will continue to protect Joe The Molester. – The Liberator

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