On the Wuhan Virus, President Trump Needs to Bring in new Experts


By David Blackmon, DB Daily Update

We’re gonna need some better “experts.”  – For the past three weeks now, President Donald Trump has allowed his team of “experts,” led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, to essentially destroy the nation’s economy based on the projections by a statistical model whose have varied dramatically from week to week, and which do not bear even the slightest resemblance to observed results on the ground.

Friday morning, Dr. Fauci told an interviewer that he just can’t understand why the entire nation is not already in a lockdown stay-at-home situation. Meanwhile, in Texas, 101 counties that comprise an are about the size of the massive state of Montana still have not seen a single case of Wuhan Virus. In the last 3 weeks Texas has recorded 68 Wuhan Virus fatalities. In 2018 Texas recorded 1,200 flu related deaths in just two weeks. No one at the NIH or the CDC or in our corrupt news media batted an eye.

Maybe that’s why, Doctor.

Independent journalist Alex Berenson does a great daily update of how the actual observed results on the ground remain vastly lower than what Dr. Fauci’s statistical model projects. Here is his update for today:

Alex Berenson@AlexBerenson

Model v. reality update, New York, April 3: model says 61000 hospitalized, 11500 ICU beds. Reality says 14400 hospitalized, 3700 ICU beds. Reminder: we are 12 days out from the official lockdown, 14-17 from the unofficial panic/reduced activity…

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6189:09 AM – Apr 3, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy447 people are talking about this

It’s not even close, folks. Not even in the ballpark. It’s exactly the same scam as the “Climate Change” models, whose projections are never, without exception supported by actual observations. It’s the same thing, with Fauci in the role of Al Gore.

At tonight’s Task Force update, Dr. Deborah Birx admitted that the most current run of this faulty model now projects 93,000 U.S. deaths through September, down from the 100,000 to 200,000 it was projecting just 3 days ago. Why is that number going down? Because the actual results on the ground are continuing to be fed into its faulty modeling process.

Yet, Dr. Fauci continues to go out and do his media appearances, peddling his alarmist rhetoric wherever he can in an ongoing effort to prolong the destruction of the U.S. economy. This is a strategy he somehow failed to attempt in 2009, when H1N1 ravaged the U.S. and other countries, and it is a strategy he ignores annually as our country loses 40,000 to 60,000 to the seasonal flu, for which Fauci and his fellow “experts” claim we have an actual vaccine.

Of course, the truth about that vaccine is that it is about 30-40% effective at best. The truth about the vaccine for Wuhan Virus Fauci continues to claim is going to be available in 12-18 months is that it will be about that effective as well.

Meanwhile, Fauci continues to downplay the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in treating this current plague, despite multiple peer-reviewed scientific studies and anecdotal tests that have found it to be almost 100% effective.  If we had a drug that was that effective at treating the seasonal flu, 100s of thousands of dead Americans would be alive today.

Here’s our country’s reality: Before we go too much further down the road on this nation-destroying “strategy,” the President needs to put Fauci and his model out to pasture and bring in some new experts. Maybe even think about bringing in some experts who don’t have such obvious, blatant conflicts of interest.

Stop this madness, Mr. President.

That is all.

If this Fauci character turns out to be batting for the Democrats at the expense of the US economy, he will pay in ways he can’t even imagine. His career will be over and he will be fitted for an orange jumpsuit. – The Liberator

Nov. 3rd: D-Day for Dems

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