STFU, unless…

  • You are willing to allow some of these people to move into your home and live with you.
  • You are willing to relinquish much of your net worth to support them.
  • You are willing to give up your current standard of living to support them because we will need to tax the hell out of you to do so.
  • You are willing to watch America turn into a third world country because once we allow one caravan into America there will be a steady stream of them from around the world which will never end.
  • You are willing to see your current healthcare benefits and go down the drain and America’s healthcare system destroyed.
  • You are willing to introduce into America diseases that were eradicated over a hundred years ago.
  • You are willing to allow known drug traffickers into America.
  • You are willing to allow known MS-13 gang members into America.
  • You are willing to allow human traffickers into America.
  • You are willing to allow Islamic terrorists intent on destroying America into our country.
  • You are willing to watch your children’s educational system destroyed.
  • You are willing to see your cities turn into encampments of dirt poor people living on the streets in cardboard tents and turn your sidewalks into bathrooms.

Don’t think so? Take a look at Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela. Why do you think they are coming to America. It’s not because life in their country is better, it is because it is a living hell.

Which begs the question, Why is the Left in favor of such insanity? Why do they want to bring this living hell to America? Let’s hear from you loony Leftists. Why do you support such policies? What the hell is wrong with you?? – The Liberator

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