WITNESS: ATF And DEA Agents Killed Seth Rich

By Patrick Howley

Big League Politics

A witness claimed Tuesday that he heard a Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) witness and an Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) agent discussing how they killed Seth Rich, the leaker of internal DNC emails to WikiLeaks, in the summer of 2016 right before the Democratic National Convention.

Lobbyist Jack Burkman, who said that he was recently shot while investigating the case, presented the witness at the Holiday Inn in Rosslyn. The witness is masked and had his voice disguised when audio of his statement played at the press conference set up by Burkman.

Similar theories have pointed to two MS-13 members who were allegedly hired by the federal government to kill Rich in the wee morning hours near his D.C. apartment. But this witness makes it clear that DEA and ATF boasted about their role in the assassination.

The Democratic National Committee cut slain staffer Seth Rich’s paycheck nearly in half five days after his murder in July 2016.

Rich has long been identified by insiders as the source of Wikileaks’ release of internal DNC emails, which dropped days after his murder in Washington D.C., right before the Democratic National Convention.
Records show that the DNC docked Rich for being dead.

Rich posthumously received $997.15 on July 15, five days after his murder.

Rich typically earned about $1,720 on his paycheck twice a month.

Seth Rich reportedly provided Wikileaks the exact same number of DNC emails that Wikileaks ended up publishing in its historic July 2016 release.

Fox 5 DC’s original report naming Rich as the Wikileaks source reported that Rich handed over “more than 44,000 emails” to Wikileaks.

Now, on its index page for the DNC emails, Wikileaks includes a note at the top stating that the group published exactly 44,053 emails.

Journalist Seymour Hersh admitted on audiotape, based on his sources, that Rich was Wikileaks’ source and that John Brennan and James Clapper cooked up the Russia-Gate conspiracy against President Trump.

Click HERE for video.

This is more evidence that the Left will do whatever it takes to win. They will even kill one of their own if that’s what it takes to win. – The Liberator

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