No, Liberals, You Haven’t Won

Conversation with a clueless liberal…

The Liberator – You social justice warriors never change. Everything that comes out of your mouths is the same: America is a rotten place with a rotten history. Why do you remain here with such animus towards America? Really, tell me. Why do you stay? What is your end game? Is it the complete dissolution of the United States of America and the creation of an entirely new country based on your vision? Will you even change the name of the country? Do you only want our natural resources for the bounty you will use in forming this new union of like-minded individuals?

Have you thought about the minor complication that most of us totally disagree with your views on America? Are you going to force us at gunpoint to continue to produce so you can confiscate the fruits of our labor to produce your Utopia? Are you totally insane? Really, are you? Can’t you think past the end of one of your ridiculous platitudes to realize that the war you are fighting is already over and that you have gone too far? You don’t even know why Trump was elected do you?

Clueless Liberal – I know its over. We won. That is why being a woman, gay, or minority in America is a lot better today than in 1960. I didn’t say that the culture war needs to be waged on. I was celebrating that we won and that some of the problems with pre-1960s America stayed there.

The Liberator – Have you thought about the reality that the new disadvantaged minority in America is you social justice warriors on the Left? Your hero Obama and the lunatics Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, et al and your dwindling army of delusional sycophants have decimated the Democrat party. I fully expect someone of your ilk to suggest legislation to protect your group from extinction. Let’s see, what would the legislation look like…oh, well, of course…financial reparations for the pain and suffering as a result of Trump’s victory. Yep, that’s what it will be. That way you guys can continue the fight on our dime.

Now back to your point…yes, there was progress on the female, homosexual and minority fronts in the intervening years but you nut cases took it too far. All three groups are still whining about inequality; that is, when you’re not rioting or protesting. You’re never happy. EVER. And we normal Americans have taken notice and are no longer feeling guilty about things we never engaged in or words we never uttered.

We gave you whiners a BLACK president for eight years and what did he do? He made race relations worse than they have ever been since the 60s. Riots, protests, cop assassinations, brutally hateful rhetoric toward the very people who were the change agents in the white community. Making the racist Al Sharpton his liaison for race relations was a transparent poke in the eye by Obama to every single white American. Even millionaire football players aren’t satisfied!

We gave women more rights than even men now have and it’s not enough. A woman has more rights in the workplace than any man could ever imagine and yet they continue to complain. All a woman has to do is claim sexual harassment and the target of her claim is assumed guilty until proven innocent. A woman-owned business has a decided advantage on all government projects because of 8-a set asides. Women get all sorts of special privileges due to their gender, maternity leave being just one example, and yet we still have a million-plus women marching all across America wearing vagina hats denouncing virtually all white males in the country for being the cause of their imagined plight. That’s progress??

You went WAY too far with homosexual rights and the radicals among them are forcing their views down the throats of decent Americans on many fronts. Putting small businesses out of business simply because they don’t want to bake a cake for a homosexual couple or cater a homosexual wedding on religious grounds, for crissakes. Or demanding that religious health centers provide contraception. Demanding that they can get “married” which runs counter to tradition and long-standing laws in this country. Or demanding access to women’s bathrooms and locker rooms for anyone who “identifies” as female. Give…me…a…break.

And please note that I am not using the preferred term “gay”. There is NOTHING gay about the homosexual community. The vast majority of the people in the (very small) homosexual community are raging lunatics who want to force me to accept them as normal. There is nothing normal about homosexuality. It is abnormal behavior and it drives them crazy that they can’t normalize it in the minds of the American people.

No, you have NOT won. You have lost. We finally have had enough of the guilt trip and are fighting back, and now you are losing all that you gained. Take off your blinders, stay tuned, and see for yourself. It’s never enough for you social justice warriors. NEVER.

Liberals are relentless…they never stop, but they also never learn. That’s why, when all is said and done, we will win. Liberals are completely and totally irrational. 

– The Liberator


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