Biden is More Dangerous Than Ever

His only hope for being more than a one-termer is a civil war against Republicans.

In a tremendous surge of popularity, Biden’s approval rating has shot up so much that only 56% of Democrats don’t want him to run for reelection.

That’s down from 75%.

Biden’s rising popularity among Democrats isn’t due to his inflation bill quadrupling the audit chances of Americans, his trillion dollar bailout of Harvard lesbian poetry studies majors, let alone taking out the defunct head of Al Qaeda, but to calling half the country “semi-fascists”.

Instead of a victory lap celebrating accomplishments like the 87,000 new IRS personnel to pay for more subsidies for Tesla owners and working families being on the hook for $2K so that Yale Law grads don’t have to pay their debts the way any other president would, he’s on a hate tour.

Biden briefly interrupted his perpetual Delaware vacation to show up at a high school gym near D.C. for his biggest rally of the year and warn that “Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans have made their choice — to go backwards full of anger, violence, hate, and division. But we’ve chosen a different path forward, the future, unity, hope and optimism.” 

Just to add to the “unity, hope and optimism” of declaring that half the country was hateful and divisive, the failed leader who had just dispatched the FBI to raid his political opponent, claimed that Republicans pose “a threat to our very democracy.”

You can’t have democracy if there’s another party running.

Biden’s hopeful optimistic and unified future has no Republicans or political opponents in it. That’s hopeful and optimistic for him, not so much for most of the country which wants him out.

National approval of Biden is down to 38%.

Democrat approval of Biden is rising though as he calls his political enemies “semi-fascist” in between sending the FBI to raid their homes and taunts them that he has F-15 jets and they don’t. Telling your political opponents that you can use the Air Force to go after them the way you can the FBI isn’t “semi-fascism”: it’s full-on unfiltered torchlight parade in a stadium fascism.

And Democrats love it enough so that only half, instead of three-quarters, want Biden gone.

Biden understands that his party’s radical base cares a lot less about policy and legislative victories than the culture war. They’ll demand and take more government money, but what they really want in a teleprompter figurehead is a fascist who will justify fascist suppression of political opponents by shouting about fascism. Rage and hate are all that moves them.

He might be a senile egomaniac, but Biden is under few illusions about his electability.

Given a choice between a small turtle, a pack of cigarettes, a 1989 faded copy of Sports Illustrated, and Joe Biden, nobody would vote for him. The only reason anyone who isn’t directly related to or profiting from Biden has ever voted for him is to vote against somebody else.

Biden survived the primaries by hiding out among a roster of radicals, incompetents and unlikeables. Democrats didn’t so much vote for him, as they voted to stop Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttgieg and Michael Bloomberg. Given a choice between Bernie, Warren, Bloomberg, and having to listen to 40 candidates wrangle on three stages, the guy who was the second banana under Obama seemed like a reasonable compromise in a bad election.

In the general election, Biden hid out while the media and leftist groups did their dirty work. However many votes he got, no one actually voted for him, they voted against Trump.

Any wonder that Biden’s midterm and expected ‘24 strategy, should his last remaining brain cells carry him that far, is to run against Trump? He can’t run on his own popularity, his electability or anything except what he’s not. The trouble is that enough Americans have found out what he is that they’re less likely to vote for an empty space to stave off something else.

But it’s all Biden has.

Never has there been a presidential candidate more hopeless than Biden. But that also makes him the most dangerous of candidates. Politically, Biden has nothing to lose. His own people keep telling him that he’s unelectable and shouldn’t even consider trying to run again. He’s a lame duck whose only hope for survival is to wage a civil war against Republicans.

And that’s exactly what he’s doing.

Biden can only be a viable candidate if he runs against Trump or rather the idea of Trump: the crazed demon lurking in the heads of his base and the paranoid pinata in the culture war. Get people angry and frightened enough and they may stop thinking entirely and vote for anyone.

Even a guy with a 38% approval rating whose big accomplishment is less food and more audits.

The Democrats and their media keep dropping buzzwords like “authoritarianism” and “threat to democracy”. Biden accuses Republicans of “semi-fascism” and being filled with “anger, violence, hate, and division”, but his political tactics are those of totalitarian regimes which manufacture domestic political threats to divert attention from the government’s failures.

Like every Latin American dictator, Biden wants to change the subject from the economy (the top concern for everyone except Democrats whose priorities are still abortion and solar panels, and finding ways to power abortions with solar panels) to purging his political opponents. Unlike Xi, he can’t invade Taiwan and unlike Putin, he can’t invade Ukraine. Americans aren’t up for a war and Biden, who opposed getting Bin Laden, is too much of a coward to fight someone who can fight back.

That just leaves a civil war. And that polls much better with his base than any other kind of war.

Biden understands what his base wants. Electric cars, equity, killing babies and free college courses on how electrocuting babies with electric cars can bring about equity matter less than the raw seething hatred that the party’s demented base feels for the other half of the country.

Leftist accusations are always projection. When Biden states that Republicans are full of “anger, violence, hate, and division”, he’s accurately describing his own political movement which will be satisfied with nothing less than locking up or shooting everyone who doesn’t share their beliefs.

That, more than anything else, is wokeness. Everything else is a shibboleth.

Obama and Biden were both pretending to be something they’re not. Obama was pretending that he wasn’t a racist radical to fool moderates. Biden is pretending that he is to fool the radicals. That makes Biden more dangerous than Obama. Obama didn’t need to prove himself to the extremist base: Biden does. And the only way to prove himself is to fight even harder.

2020 was a unique time when the country was either shut down or in the middle of race riots, caught in a massive crime wave and catastrophic panic. People were encouraged to turn on each other over racism or masks. The aftermath of the election had Biden being sworn into office while surrounded by thousands of troops in a militarized city. Biden’s only hope for being more than a one-term footnote is to break the country just as badly all over again.

This is the beginning.

Contrary to media propaganda, there’s no economic comeback. The policy victories are destructive, but limited. Biden’s comeback consists of openly going to war on Republicans. From the Mar-a-Lago raid to denouncing half the country as “semi-fascists” and threatening them with F-15s, Biden is using the rhetoric of civil war to stay in power.

Biden, a corrupt senile nothing, has clung to various forms of government power since 1971 because it paid better than managing a swimming pool. Even barely able to assemble a sentence, he’s not about to abandon that 50-year legacy without a fight. Unable and unwilling to save America, he’s ready to destroy it and unleash a civil war if it will keep him in power.

History makes us think of dictators as big men, but they were often little men in big costumes. Their hunger for power came from inferiority complexes, chips on their shoulders, and a creeping sense of inadequacy. The only reason people stopped thinking of them as comical is because they wielded absolute power and unleashed a bloody tide of destruction.

And then no one was laughing anymore.

The difference between pathetic and evil lies in the successful use of power. School shooters are pathetic until they manage to kill a dozen kids. The underwear bomber was a joke, but if he had taken down a passenger jet, no one would be laughing. People have been laughing at Biden his entire life. And his inflated ego is tired of it. He may not have much of a brain left, but when you’re already the president, you don’t need much of one to destroy America.

Democrats and Liberals are experts at messaging. Biden’s speech was not a mistake, it is a strategy. As Greenfield said, all they have left is a strategy to attack their opponent(s), and they launched that strategy with his speech. It was followed by political operatives showing up on all the network and cable news shows, and by and political opinion pieces magically appearing in newspapers and magazines across the country, all with the same message: MAGA Republicans are a threat to democracy. When, in fact, anyone with a semi-functioning brain (even Biden) knows it is the Democrats who are engaged in fascism and undemocratic behavior, and that it has been disastrous. – The Liberator

Quote of the Day

Delusional former national press secretary for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. These lying liberal lunatics will never admit what they know to be true: THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN. They would rather demonize those who know the truth, for anything less would be a tacit admission of the truth. – The Liberator

Why Are Leftists Obsessed With Destroying Hero Culture?

Authored by Brandon Smith via

In the movie ‘Batman: The Dark Knight’ the well regarded district attorney Harvey Dent makes a statement that has since woven itself into our popular culture to the point that we often hear it quoted as if it was said by some ancient philosopher.  He noted:

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”  

The most predictable interpretation of this is that there is a fine line between doing good and doing evil with the best of intentions.  People can start out as heroes and quickly fall to darkness in the name of serving the “greater good.”  I think there is more meaning behind the quote, however.  

There is also the issue of historical revision and the fact that the heroes of yesterday might be considered the terrorists of tomorrow given who is in charge of writing the history books or reporting the news.  Sometimes heroes become villains through their own mistakes, other times they are just rewritten that way.    

For example, today we hear constant gnashing and wailing from the political left about the “crimes” of the Founding Fathers and why they should be erased or canceled from our cultural zeitgeist.  They have even attempted to revise the very foundations of American history through their “1619 Project” as they assert that no American accomplishment is valid because “everything” was built around the institution of slavery.  They make no mention that slavery was an institution in every single culture on the planet since civilization began, but that doesn’t matter to them.  

The goal of the 1619 Project was to diminish or dismiss everything distinctly American, right down to the revolution that founded our nation.  What they care about is the deconstruction of heroes, in part because if you can destroy the character of a hero then you might be able to also destroy what they stood for in the process.  And, if you can destroy the ideals of a society, it becomes a lot easier to then control that society.  

When the political left seeks to undermine the legacy of the founders they aren’t just engaging in character attacks against men who can no longer defend themselves, they are also attempting to sabotage the vision those men created – The vision of a free republic outside of the dictates of collectivism and monarchy (rule by the elites).     

Obviously the Founding Fathers are no longer alive, but there are millions of people that have carried on their legacy for generations that are in fact still living to see their heroes be made into monsters through revisionism.  

But the destruction of heroes goes even deeper than historical rewrites.

Leftists are also targeting the very foundations of heroic archetypes and mythologies by attacking hero representations in our society.  They are seeking to change the nature of heroism by hijacking cultural pillars and erasing beloved stories and characters in order to “reboot” them in the image of the leftist cult.  This is usually done under the cover of “diversity and equity” as a means to obscure the true agenda.  Let’s break down the tactics and motives behind this trend…

Rewriting Heroes To “Reflect Our Modern Era”

Woke ideology does not reflect our modern era in any way; it is actually a masked version of the old social models of collectivism and communism, specifically the social Marxism displayed by Mao’s Cultural Revolution.  The only difference is today we have online struggle sessions and corporations are fully onboard with the movement.  When leftists claim they are fighting the system, they have no idea what this really means.  The system loves woke politics. 

Leftists use the reflection argument all the time to justify the gutting of hero mythologies and replacing them with vapid clones.  A recent example would be the latest Amazon release of their Lord Of The Rings prequel series.  I wrote about this extensively in my article ‘Amazon’s Woke Lord Of The Rings Is The Death Rattle Of Social Justice Content.’   To summarize, the new Lord of The Rings is designed to spread a political message and undermine the values of the past rather than tell a meaningful organic story.  Amazon even released their woke Lord of The Rings on the anniversary of Tolkien’s death.

Sometimes this propaganda is subtle, and sometimes it’s a train wreck in your face.

Specifically I examined the political left’s obsession with injecting their own Cultural Marxism into every new entertainment product as a means to saturate the media space with their ideology.  When they say they want to rehash old stories and old heroes but write them to “reflect the world of today,” what they are really doing is erasing past ideals and principles and eliminating choice.  They don’t want you to see the world from different points of view; you are only allowed to see it from THEIR point of view.  This is the exact opposite of good story telling.  

Diversity As A Crutch And A Cudgel

Diversity is meaningless.  It serves no purpose in terms of heroic representations.  People identify with actions and deeds and principles, not skin color.  Leftists in Hollywood do not actually care about diversity of skin color, they only care about two things – Using minorities as a crutch to justify poor storytelling and lazy productions, and using minorities as a cudgel or weapon when they face criticism.

That is to say, when they make garbage media with no imagination or effort, they announce “we got diversity, though,” and this is supposed to make you want to watch their products anyway, otherwise you might be “racist.”  By extension, when you dare to criticize the political pontificating and terrible writing in their media, they can then say “our stories are fantastic, you just don’t like us because we hire brown people.”  See how that works?  They use minorities as a shield, either for their ineptitude or their malicious intent, but they DO NOT care about such people if they can’t exploit them.  

“Diversity and inclusion” is the new slave plantation that leftist elites in Hollywood use to farm virtue points and ESG loans.  That’s all there is to it.  If they actually respected the idea of presenting diverse heroes, they would create original minority heroes and write them well.  Or, they would pick minority heroes from real history and avoid implanting current day woke politics into that era.      

Narcissists Can’t Write Heroes

It has long been my contention that the leftist ideology is rooted in appeals to narcissism.  Everything about it is based in entitlement rather than sacrifice.  It is based in demands for special treatment rather than respect for accomplishment and merit.  It is based in equity of outcome while eliminating equality of opportunity.  A person that has embraced the victim mentality can never be a hero or imagine how a hero would act.  They have no relationship to the concept, because narcissists are usually villains in the real world and villains tend to see themselves as victims while they spend their time victimizing others.  How else can they justify the evils they do?

No Conservative Heroes Allowed

As our media world was overrun with woke ideologues over the years the depictions of heroes and villains have become utterly twisted.  Heroes act selfishly with ego and hubris, and villains are usually depicted as either misunderstood people that are only reacting to the trespasses of society, or they are ridiculous exaggerations of conservatives and liberty activists.  This trend has become an epidemic in films, television, video games, comic books, etc.  Only in the past couple of years has there been mass push-back against the agenda, but there is a long way to go before things can change for the better.

Many of these woke productions fail miserably, but they aren’t necessarily interested in box office success or making money.  Again, what they care about is saturation, as well as murdering the hero archetype openly where everyone can see.  They want to destroy your heroes in front of you and replace them with woke pod people.  This is what they care about.   

The biggest problem is that most conservatives ignored the culture war while only focusing on fleeting political battles.  They acted as if the culture war didn’t matter, and in the process we have almost lost our country completely.  Future generations need heroic ideals and examples to live by, among real live people as well as in popular media.  By ignoring the culture war, conservatives ignored the future.  

There are some people out there that are working to change our country’s course by producing original media with a heroic message based in American foundations of freedom, individualism, self reliance and meritocracy.  I’m working to join them by producing my own graphic novel project based on a survivalist hero.  The best we have is Burt Gummer from Tremors – He’s great, but we need more.  Readers who are interested in original non-woke entertainment can learn more about that project HERE.  

It’s important not to underestimate the power of media in culture.  There is a reason why leftists are so obsessive with it; by changing all our heroes to villains they hope to change our values and our behaviors.  They aren’t just rewriting movies, or characters, or comic books, they are trying to rewrite us.  

The only way to stop this is to identify the threat, neutralize the propaganda, and then bring back legitimate hero culture by writing it once again with our own hands and our own deeds.  

Liberals are nuts. I’ve been saying it for the longest time. Sadly, it all comes down to them being convinced that they are our moral and intellectual superiors, and being so convinced of their superiority that they are obsessed with forcing their views upon us. – The Liberator           

The Rise of Wokeness in the Military


Thomas Spoehr, Director, Center for National Defense at the Heritage Foundation

Complaints by veteran soldiers about younger generations who lack discipline and traditional values are as old as war itself. Grizzled veterans in the Greek phalanx, Roman legions, and Napoleon’s elite corps all believed that the failings of the young would be the ruin of their armies. This is not the chief worry of grizzled American veterans today. The largest threat they see by far to our current military is the weakening of its fabric by radical progressive (or “woke”) policies being imposed, not by a rising generation of slackers, but by the very leaders charged with ensuring their readiness.

Wokeness in the military is being imposed by elected and appointed leaders in the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon who have little understanding of the purpose, character, traditions, and requirements of the institution they are trying to change. The push for it didn’t begin in the last two years under the Biden administration—nor will it automatically end if a non-woke administration is elected in 2024. Wokeness in the military has become ingrained. And unless the policies that flow from it are illegal or directly jeopardize readiness, senior military leaders have little alternative but to comply. 

Woke ideology undermines military readiness in various ways. It undermines cohesiveness by emphasizing differences based on race, ethnicity, and sex. It undermines leadership authority by introducing questions about whether promotion is based on merit or quota requirements. It leads to military personnel serving in specialties and areas for which they are not qualified or ready. And it takes time and resources away from training activities and weapons development that contribute to readiness.

Wokeness in the military also affects relations between the military and society at large. It acts as a disincentive for many young Americans in terms of enlistment. And it undermines wholehearted support for the military by a significant portion of the American public at a time when it is needed the most.

Let me give some examples of what I mean by wokeness.

In 2015, then Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus rejected out-of-hand a Marine Corps study concluding that gender-integrated combat formations did not move as quickly or shoot as accurately, and that women were twice as likely as men to suffer combat injuries. He rejected it because it did not comport with the Obama administration’s political agenda.

That same year the Department of Defense opened all combat jobs in the U.S. military to women, and Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter committed to “gender-neutral standards” to ensure that female servicemembers could meet the demanding rigors involved in qualifying for combat. Since then, the Army has been working for a decade to put in place the gender-neutral test promised by Carter. But after finding that women were not scoring as highly as men, and under fierce pressure from advocacy groups, the Army threw out the test. Now there is no test to determine whether any soldier can meet the fitness requirements for combat specialties.

In 2015, near the end of his second term, President Obama initiated a change to the Pentagon’s longstanding policy on transgender individuals in the military. Before that change could take effect, the incoming Trump administration put it on hold awaiting future study. Subsequent evidence presented to Secretary of Defense James Mattis—including the fact that transgender individuals suffering from gender dysphoria attempt suicide and experience severe anxiety at nine times the rate of the general population—raised legitimate concerns about their fitness for military service. 

This led the Trump administration to impose reasonable restrictions on military service by those suffering gender dysphoria. But only hours after his inauguration in January 2021, President Biden signed an executive order that did away with these restrictions and opened military service to all transgender individuals. Since then, the Biden administration has decreed that active members of the military can take time off from their duties to obtain sex-change surgeries and all related hormones and drugs at taxpayer expense.

Along similar lines, the Biden administration has recently ended support for a longstanding policy prohibiting individuals infected with HIV from serving in combat zones. The policy had been based on sound science tied to the need for HIV medications and the danger of cross-infection through shared blood.

Physical fitness has long been a hallmark of the U.S. military. But in recent years, fitness standards have been progressively watered down in pursuit of the woke goal of “leveling the playing field.” The Army, for instance, recently lowered its minimum passing standards for pushups to an unimpressive total of ten and increased its minimum two-mile run time from 19 to 23 minutes. The new Space Force is considering doing away with periodic fitness testing altogether.

Back in 2016, Navy Secretary Mabus decreed that Navy sailors would no longer be known by traditional job titles such as “corpsman,” adopting instead new gender-neutral titles such as “medical technician.” The resulting blowback was so severe from enlisted sailors who cherished those historic titles that the Navy was forced to reverse the changes. But wokeness has a way of coming back, and last year the Navy released a training video to help sailors understand the proper way of using personal pronouns—a skill Americans have traditionally mastered in grade school. The video instructs servicemembers that they need to create a “safe space for everybody” by using “inclusive language”—for instance, saying “hey everybody” instead of “hey guys.” Can the return of gender-neutral job titles be far behind? 

Much of the emphasis of wokeness today is on promoting the idea that America is fatally flawed by systemic racism and white privilege. Our fighting men and women are required to sit through indoctrination programs, often with roots in the Marxist tenets of critical race theory, either by Pentagon diktat or through carelessness by senior leaders who delegate their command responsibilities to private Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion instructors.

These indoctrination programs differentiate servicemembers along racial and gender lines, which runs completely counter to the military imperative to build cohesiveness based on common loyalties, training, and standards. Traditional training and education programs used to combat racial and sex discrimination have been supplanted by programs that promote discrimination by replacing the American ideal of equality with the progressive ideal of equity—which in practice means unequal treatment based on group identity.

The Biden administration’s Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Michael Gilday, decided last year to add Ibram X. Kendi’s book, How to Be an Antiracist—one of the leading sourcebooks on critical race theory—to his list of recommended readings. To give an idea of how radical Kendi’s book is, one of its famous (or infamous) arguments is that “Capitalism is essentially racist,” and that “to truly be antiracist, you also have to be truly anticapitalist.” 

Last year, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told the House Armed Services Committee, “We do not teach critical race theory, we don’t embrace critical race theory, and I think that’s a spurious conversation.” Despite repeated denials by Austin and others in the Pentagon that critical race theory is being taught in the military, there is no shortage of evidence to the contrary. 

Indeed, last year a senior officer in the U.S. Space Force, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, was removed from command for publicly describing the role of critical race theory in indoctrinating servicemembers at his installation. And just this summer, multiple media outlets reported on training materials on the problems of “whiteness” obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. One training slide read: “In order to understand racial inequality and slavery, it is first necessary to address whiteness.”

Congressmen have obtained curricular materials from West Point showing lectures titled “Understanding Whiteness and White Rage” and classroom slides labeled “White Power at West Point.” When challenged about this, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley became defensive: “I wanna understand white rage, and I’m white,” he said. “I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist.”

The rationale for reading communist writings in the service academies in the past has been that by doing so, we learned about our Soviet enemies at the time and how they thought. How is that analogous to reading Leftist tracts accusing white people (including servicemembers)—just by virtue of their being white—of racism?

Last year, Secretary Austin alarmingly called for a one-day military-wide stand-down to address the so-called problem of “extremism” in the ranks, despite the fact that there has been no evidence presented—including in testimony by senior officials—that there is a problem of extremism in the military. Commanding officers were required to discuss the topic using a PowerPoint presentation that included Ted Talks asking the question, “What is up with us white people?”

Since 2008, the Air Force has created at least eight “Barrier Analysis Working Groups” to “create an inclusive culture regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, orientation, religion, or disabilities.” These groups include the “Indigenous Nations Equality Team” and the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, or Questioning Initiatives Team.” President Biden signed an executive order in 2021 requiring all organizations in the military—as well as in the rest of the federal government—to create Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) offices, to produce strategic DEI plans, and to create bureaucratic structures to report on progress towards DEI goals. The overall goal, Biden said, was “advancing equity for all”—again using the Left’s euphemism for achieving desired outcomes through discriminatory policies. 

Wokeness also comes in the form of conflating the mission of the military with environmental ideology. A year ago, President Biden told a group of overseas Air Force airmen that the Joint Chiefs of Staff had determined that the greatest threat facing America was global warming—a claim the Joint Chiefs had to walk back. In the same vein, Biden signed an executive order imposing a massive regime of environmental goals and requirements for the Department of Defense. These goals included transitioning to all electric non-tactical vehicles by 2035, carbon-free electricity for military installations by that same year, and net zero emissions from those installations by 2050. As a result, the Pentagon recently announced it will devote over $3 billion of its already stretched-thin military budget to climate-related initiatives in 2023 alone


Although direct “cause and effect” studies on the impact of woke policies such as these do not exist, common sense suggests that the consequences for military readiness are dramatic. Spending billions on woke programs while the Chinese are outpacing us on hypersonic weapons, quantum computing, and other important military technologies is one piece of evidence. Recent reports showing the military’s dismal failure to gain new recruits in adequate numbers is another. Is anyone surprised that potential recruits—many of whom come from rural or poor areas of the country—don’t want to spend their time being lectured about white privilege?

These ideological policies move the military in a divergent direction from the American mainstream. In a recent poll of voters, for instance, 69 percent oppose the teaching of critical race theory in schools. Relatedly, Americans are increasingly losing confidence in the military. Between 2021 and 2022, the percentage of Americans who report a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in the military decreased five percentage points, from 69 to 64. In 2012, this confidence level stood at 75 percent. 

The bottom line is that precious time and money are being poured into woke programs and projects that would be better applied towards making the military more capable. The billions of dollars that will be spent on Pentagon climate change programs, the time and money spent in creating DEI structures and hiring DEI commissars, and the time spent indoctrinating servicemembers in critical race theory and addressing an imaginary crisis of extremism in the ranks—all this detracts from the purpose of our military: preserving the security and freedom of the American people and nation. 

These costs come at a time when the current administration is not even proposing to fund the Department of Defense to keep up with the rate of inflation—and a time when serious threats from China and other adversaries have never been greater. 

Last month, Ramstein Air Base in Germany scheduled a drag queen story hour at its base library, where drag queen Stacey Teed was scheduled to read to children. When lawmakers back home got wind of the event and wrote to the Secretary of the Air Force, the event was cancelled. This suggests that pushback can be effective against the tide of wokeness plaguing our military. But there needs to be a lot more pushback.

Legislation introduced this year in Congress would stop the teaching of critical race theory in the military, the creation of the multitudes of diversity offices and officials, and the rolling back of physical fitness requirements. While the ultimate success of these proposals in the legislative process is uncertain, they are a start at least.

The American military remains a faithful and loyal servant of the republic. Most Americans are still proud and trusting of our military. But this trust and support cannot be taken for granted. If Americans perceive that the military is being exploited for political purposes or being used for experiments in woke social policies, that support will evaporate, and the consequences will be dire. 

My hope and my prayer are that we figure this out before it is too late. 

This crap – across all government sectors – is not an insane effort to embrace political correctness throughout our government, it is a very sane attempt to divide this country along ideological lines with the end game being total transformation of the United States of America into a Marxist Utopia.

Don’t believe me? The following was written into the congressional record in 1963: 45 COMMUNIST GOALS FROM 58 YEARS AGO, and they have achieved nearly every one of them already.

– The Liberator

Treacherous Times Ahead

Armstrong Economics

The LEFT is always ruthless. Just look at all the times in history major civil wars and revolutions have taken place. The LEFT demands no compromise and that will be their agenda. The rumor I hear is that they have resistance to granting citizenship on the Hill. That much is starting to appear in the press. In desperation, Biden will sign an executive order probably with an order of what he wants for lunch.

It would be unconstitutional for Biden to grant them citizenship by executive decree. Obama’s exec order for DACA was unconstitutional and he had no right making it – he acknowledged that fact and did it anyway fully expecting the challenge that never happened. This is the same scheme. Granting citizenship by executive order will be UNCONSTITUTIONAL, but the LEFT never cares about laws. They assumed that they will vote, and the legal challenge will take at best months, so they win because they will count on the Supreme Court not to overrule an election.

I fear that if this RUMOR became true, perhaps this is why my computer is going nuts on civil unrest and international war in 2023. So let’s pay attention to the arrays for this is our only guide. Nobody’s opinion will count much in such a treacherous time.

I fear that we are about to be “outcounted”. Name me just ONE battle ground state that has fixed their flawed vote counting operation that handed the ’20 election to Biden. Sadly, you can’t. – The Liberator

Perfect! LOL

Just click “View”, there’s nothing sensitive. That’s just for Twitter’s little snowflakes. The short video by Joe Pags is hilarious!

Joe Divider is being justly rewarded for his lovely, inclusive, heartwarming rant, uh, I mean speech. – The Liberator

Quote of the Day

So, that’s the Democrats’ messaging going into midterms – while they finalize a deal with Iran and the IRGC (officially a terrorist organization) – that Republicans who aren’t Liz Cheney or Adam Kinzinger are a threat to democracy. Nevermind the ‘mostly peaceful’ riots staged every summer by Democrats and their Antifa foot-soldiers during every summer of Trump’s presidency.” — ZeroHedge