Zelensky Still Pushing to Start World War III

Armstrong Economics

Ukraine is doomed unless it removes Zelensky from power. I have warned that this guy whose only qualification is to dance in high heels, is a threat to the entire world. The West has cheered him and has been using the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder for their war to conquer Russia is endangering everyone, everywhere. His latest plea is for the West to send troops to guard the border with Belarus. Vladimir Makei, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs, has responded that deploying a mission of representatives of Western countries on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border would be equivalent to “these third countries directly engaging in the Ukrainian conflict.” Indeed, Zelensky knows what he is asking for and has already said many times that World War III has already begun.

Zelensky has his hundred of millions stashed offshore. The Ukrainian people better wake up. Their country will be left in total ruin and the flow of billions will come to an end. War ALWAYS costs more lives of civilians than soldiers. That is true of every war from World War I to Vietnam. This is a proxy war by Neocons who just hate Russia and push for its extinction. I have been warned that their designs will fail. They think they can conquer the world like Napoleon waging war neatly one at a time. That will fail. China will NOT stand by and allow Russia to be defeated for they know they will be next. This is total insanity, and there seems to be no leader anywhere who dares to even suggest peace. China has also told its citizen to leave Ukraine now. The window is closing and if the Ukrainian people think this high-heel dancing head of state will stand there with the last man, they are dreaming. He will have his private jet waiting to take him to his blood money.

To those Ukrainians living in Germany and thinking there will be something to return to, you better think again. Beware of November.

“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” – Obama

The Ukraine crisis is more proof of the importance of who sits in the White House. – The Liberator

The Truth from an Australian Nurse

This 1-min 40-sec video is a “must watch”. It puts the China Virus pandemic in it’s proper perspective…

Personally, I don’t have to wonder what happened. The timing of the release was perfect for taking out Trump. He is an existential threat to the worldwide cabal of globalists and corporatists who rely heavily on China to manufacture their products using the equivalent of slave labor. The majority of US politicians are bought by the same group. I believe someone at the Wuhan lab was paid a huge bribe (probably $1M or more) to release the virus, and the rest is history.

The coercion by politicians worldwide was two things: Man’s deep-seated desire to dominate his fellow man, and gross incompetence by wholly unqualified leaders. The vaccine mandate was a separate sideshow by those who were bought off by Big Pharma. That would include local and national politicians, government bureaucrats, and healthcare professionals who were bought off or threatened with career-ending censure.

In short, it was a perfect storm at the perfect time triggered and enabled by an intense hatred of Donald Trump and his policies because he and those policies were dismantling the worldwide insider’s game on many levels. And the conspiracy continued with the stolen election. Trump was so popular with the people that the China Virus didn’t take him down, so they went to Plan B and stole the election.

This is a sick, sick world driven by selfishness, greed, and a lust for power. And we the people have had a front row seat to watch it play out as they attempt to take out one single man who represents an existential threat to the elites who will do literally anything to maintain their power and control over the worldwide economy. They killed Kennedy, didn’t they? Why wouldn’t they do these things to Trump?

That’s my opinion on the single greatest crime ever perpetrated against mankind…what’s yours?

The Liberator

What If the Truth Never Comes Out?

Julie Ponesse, The Brownstone Institute

This is the question that seems to be on the minds of many these days.

The attempt to reach “zero-COVID” was a colossal failure. Original claims of mRNA vaccine efficacy have reportedly been shown to be based on falsified data. Excess mortality is spiking across the globe. And the Canadian government finally admits they have a multi-million dollar contract (pdf) with the World Economic Forum for Traveler Digital ID. What was fiction and then conspiracy theory is now reality.

Many believe we are approaching a tipping point, that we are on the verge of a revelatory storm, that the truth is finally coming out.

And yet most people still believe in the narrative, still cling to the idea that lockdowns and masking were necessary and effective, that their questioning friends are unstable “anti-vaxxers,” that government is noble and mainstream media unimpeachable. And from the files of the truly unfathomable, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) is now urging doctors to prescribe drugs and even psychotherapy to their noncompliant patients. The tipping point is hardly a sure thing.

What if we never reach it? What if the guilty are never held to account? What if we forget only to transgress again and again?

Anecdotes of the harms of the last two years are palpable but ignored. Patients complain of symptoms their doctors won’t acknowledge. Citizens tell stories the media ignores. Family members try to open dialogue only to be shut down. The stories are told but, for the most part, they aren’t being heard.

I recently interviewed Trish Wood, who moderated the Citizens’ Hearing about the harms of our public health response to COVID-19. She wrote that, a week later, she still felt shaken by the magnitude of what she heard: the damage done to careers, families, and children by the blinkered approach of public health experts. She heard the stories of doctors who were silenced when trying to advocate for patients, people whose lives were forever changed by vaccine injury, and, most tragically, stories of those like Dan Hartman, whose teenage son died following mRNA vaccination.

Trish wrote powerfully about the importance of taking account of embedding the acknowledgment of these harms in our collective moral conscience. Her words are, dare I say, reminiscent of Elie Wiesel’s.

In the aftermath of the Holocaust, at a time when the world was so morally injured, so eager for a new start, Auschwitz survivor Elie Wiesel saw it as his responsibility to speak for those who had been silenced. At a time when most could not bear to remember, Wiesel could not bear to forget. He wrote:

“I believe firmly and profoundly that whoever listens to a witness becomes a witness, so those who hear us, those who read us must continue to bear witness for us. Until now, they’re doing it with us. At a certain point in time, they will do it for all of us.”

Weisel’s words are hauntingly poignant for our time.

Those who tell the stories of the injured knowing they will be ignored, who advocate for patients only to be censured, who highlight the children who have died by suicide rather than from COVID-19 only to be silenced do it because they believe that a cry in the dark will eventually be heard. And even if it isn’t, they feel obligated to testify on behalf of those who can’t speak for themselves.

I apologize if my reference to Nazi atrocities offends you. My aim in making the comparison is not to be irreverent but purposeful. True, the atrocities of our time are not identical to those of 1930s and ’40s Europe. But they don’t need to be to learn important moral lessons from them. Wiesel’s promise of “never again” was not just to past victims of atrocities but to all future victims as well.

This is how the battle will be fought now, whether the truth about the last two years will be dragged into the open or revised into oblivion. We are already seeing backpedaling among our officials, whose mishandling of the pandemic is undeniable.

But that is beyond my point. We have relied for too long on institutions to do the remembering for us, to generate moral responsibility on our behalf. In the era of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, personal accountability has been trained out of us. We were taught to believe that institutions would act as our surrogate moral conscience, taking account and making apology for us. I don’t deny the importance of collective responsibility. But sometimes moral injury is personal, done by individuals to one another, and the accountability needs to happen in kind.

There are few who are not personally complicit in the harms of the last two years. And the temptation to put on the armor of the bystander is powerful, to say we weren’t involved, that we “had no choice.” But complicity is a form of moral action, sometimes the most powerful there is.

Wouldn’t it be lovely if our moral slate could be wiped clean, if we could be absolved of all the hurt we have caused? But this doesn’t honor the truth, and it’s not the way we exercise our humanity.

What if the truth never comes out?

It may not.

But if it doesn’t, it shouldn’t be because we ignored those crying out to us, because we stood behind a shield of compliance and deference. The road back to freedom, unity, and reconciliation starts with testimony and accountability, and we need to take those painful first few steps now.

They. Will. Pay. There WILL be consequences for their actions. – The Liberator

Do We Have Any Rights?

Armstrong Economics


Hi Marty,

Is it still possible for the People to save the USA and revert it back to its original form, as was indented in the Constitution –  rights not enumerated to the Government, belong to the State or to the People?

I spend some time in the USA and in public high school. At no point, we were taught the Constitution and what it entails. That was in north Texas – open gun carry and very in favor of the constitution rights.

Texas high schools did not teach the Constitution nor the 2nd Amendment – that its purpose is not to give the right to bear arms but to DENY the Government the authority to infringe on People’s right to bear arms (the divine right).

The People no longer remember that the Founding Fathers saw the People as Sovereign with the Divine Right.

Can you opine on this, with the emphasis on the Divine Rights (inalienable rights) that were previously reserved only for the Kings and bestowed by the Church.

Cheers from Canada,

ANSWER: The TRUE answer is we have NO RIGHTS whatsoever. The courts have turned everything on its head. The Constitution is NEGATIVE – not positive. You have to look at the language very carefully. Here is the First Amendment. It stated “Congress shall make no law…” and that is a NEGATIVE restraint upon government It does not endow you with the “right” to freedom of religion of speech. This is how they are getting away with the whole cancel culture. The “negative” restraint is ONLY upon the government. You actually have no right to freedom of speech. The 2nd Amendment was to create a militia army, not a standing army. That was the advice of the Prince of Savoy.

In 1787, Patrick Henry was invited to participate in what became the Constitutional Convention. He feared that the meeting was really a sinister plot by the powerful to construct a strong central government that would become not much different from what they revolted against. When the new Constitution was sent to Virginia for ratification in 1788, Patrick Henry stood up and objected. Henry argued that it was a trap and that the Constitution did not include a bill of rights and that would lead to tyranny.

Patrick Henry argued that the clear absence of a bill of rights was confirmation that this was really an attempt by the few to become powerful and dictate to everyone beneath them once again. Henry argued eloquently and other Anti-Federalists saw his point and compelled James Madison, the leader of the Virginia Federalists, to promise the addition of a bill of rights to the Constitution. On September 25, Congress agreed upon the 12 amendments, and they were sent to the states for approval. Articles three through twelve were ratified and became the Bill of Rights on December 15, 1791. It was not until after 25 days of heated debate, on June 26, 1788, Virginia became the 10th state to ratify the Constitution on that condition.

If it were not for Patrick Henry, we would have lived in utter tyranny all this time. Little by little, the court has very subtly inverted the Bill of Rights and most people have actually just looked at that title “Bill of Rights” and assumed that are positive rights that we have. However, look closer and you will see that this is a negative restraint. If you want to sue someone for violating your constitutional rights, they MUST be acting under “Color of Law” meaning it is really at the government’s direction.

See: Harris vMcRae, 448 U.S. 297 (1980) – (Constitution is Negative Restraint)

There has ALWAYS been a cultural divide between the people and the so-called elites (those in power), and they are reluctant to relinquish that power. The slender thread of freedom has always been the strength of conviction of a single man or small group of men committed to the task of challenging the power structure. It is no different today than at the founding of our republic. The short answer is that we only have the rights we are willing to fight with all our might and conviction to retain. Such is the nature of Man. – The Liberator

Quote of the Day

“I think Trump’s un-electability will be palpable by then,” Ryan said. “We all know he will lose, or let me put it this way: we all know he’s much more likely to lose the White House than anybody else running for president on our side of the aisle. So why would we want to go with that?” – Traitor Paul Ryan

Speak for yourself, you traitorous fraud. You will choke on those words. You were never a Republican, nor a conservative. You are nothing more than a tiny little cog in the Uniparty propaganda machine, and you have ZERO credibility with or influence over the voters. – The Liberator

Welcome to Year 3 of the Chinese Virus

Guest Post Shared by Alfonso

Here are some thoughts as we begin a new year under the Biden Build Back Broke Disintegration Plan:

According to the American Petroleum Institute, we have enough oil in North America to fuel every single passenger car and long-haul truck for the next 430 years. We have enough natural gas to provide electricity for every business and household for the next 535 years and enough coal to provide electricity for about 500 years.

So, don’t you think that in 430 years we will have developed alternative fuel sources? Why then did Joe Biden sacrifice America’s energy independence, cease all exploration for oil and gas, abandon pipeline development and drive up prices of gasoline, heating oil, and jet fuel and make us once again dependent on foreign oil?

Isn’t it curious that in some states like California, Washington, Illinois, and New York, shoplifting of items less than $950 is not a crime but the Biden Build Back Better Spendalooza calls for hiring 87,000 IRS agents to monitor individual banking transactions of $600 or more? Fascinating.

Someone needs to educate me as to how we are going to produce all the batteries needed to facilitate a transition away from fossil fuels to battery-driven vehicles when the basic ingredients for batteries are all found in rare minerals such as lithium, cobalt, and zinc and others, all of which must be mined in countries not exactly friendly to us. Also, if you have ever driven on the Cross Bronx Expressway or the 405 in Southern California and were stuck in traffic, how exactly will the repair truck reach a disabled vehicle before their battery dies…along with the batteries of all the other vehicles in traffic?

When will construction start to build the 500,000 battery charging stations Joe Biden told us about? Where will they be situated? Won’t they be powered by burning fossil fuels?

If you ever feel like you haven’t accomplished anything, try to remember that it took 20 years, trillions of dollars, and four presidents to replace the Taliban in Afghanistan with……….the Taliban.

If you feel your job is hard and you are unappreciated, think about the poor slob who serves as the sign language interpreter for Joe Biden.

Let me try to understand this: we can’t seem to find illegals to deport, but we can sure find them to give them money! How does that work?

If there was a barnyard election, the pigs would always vote for the person that feeds them and gives them treats, even though that same person is going to slaughter them someday. That same philosophy is the very definition of socialism.

Memo to Generation Z and the Woke Generation: The Stars and Stripes that fly over our Nation’s Capital and are wrapped around the coffins of our honored dead who sacrificed their lives to keep us free, is my Flag. I will never apologize for it. The Flag does not stand for skin color, race, or religion. It stands for freedom. Never forget that!

“If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools.” – Plato

We the people had better quickly take an interest in answering the question posed in the above piece. And if we can’t come up with a rational answer, the ideas are worthless. Actually, worse than worthless, they are destructive. And perhaps that is the objective of the lunatics who came up with the ideas. Their goal is the destruction of the United States of America as currently constituted. – The Liberator

D.C. Attorney General Opens Investigation Into Republican Governors’ Shipping of Immigrants to the Capital

Marilyn W. Thompson and Perla Trevizo, ProPublica

District of Columbia Attorney General Karl Racine has opened an investigation into whether southern border state governors misled immigrants as part of what he called a “political stunt” to transport them to Washington.

Racine told ProPublica and The Texas Tribune his office is examining whether immigrants were deceived by trip organizers before boarding buses for Washington, including several hundred who were bused from Texas under instructions from Gov. Greg Abbott and dropped near the official residence of Vice President Kamala Harris. Racine’s office has the authority to bring misdemeanor criminal charges or to file civil fraud cases.

Racine said that in interviews with his investigators, arriving immigrants “have talked persuasively about being misled, with talk about promised services.” He offered no specifics about the inquiry, including whether it is being handled by his office’s criminal or civil divisions. The attorney general’s office declined to answer further questions.

Various state and federal laws could apply to transporting immigrants across state lines. Racine’s office could look into whether anyone committed fraud by falsely promising jobs or services, whether there were civil rights violations or whether officials misused taxpayers’ money.

Racine’s investigation comes after weeks of escalating tensions between some Republican governors and the Biden administration over immigration policy. In April, Abbott began busing to Washington immigrants who had been processed and released by federal immigration officials, and he later expanded the initiative to New York and Chicago. To date, more than 12,000 immigrants have been relocated from border towns.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey has followed Abbott’s lead and bused 2,170 immigrants to Washington on 60 buses, according to Ducey’s spokesperson, C.J. Karamargin. Most of them, he said, had said they hoped to relocate to New York, New Jersey or Florida.

Last month, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is seeking reelection, turbocharged the issue and moved it to the forefront of a national debate on Biden’s immigration policies. He sent two charter flights to Martha’s Vineyard carrying Venezuelan immigrants who had arrived in Texas. Local officials in Texas have said they were not consulted.

The immigrants and their advocates said that passengers on the charter flights had been told they would be given jobs and support. A sheriff in Texas has opened a criminal investigation into whether Florida officials violated the law by recruiting the migrants from a Texas shelter.

Racine’s involvement ratchets up the pressure on the governors over their actions.

Elected as a Democrat, Racine criticized the Republican governors for using “people as props. That’s what they’ve done with the immigrants.”

Racine’s office can prosecute certain misdemeanors, and felonies are handled by the U.S. Attorney’s Office. But its highest profile work has been bringing civil fraud lawsuits against nonprofits and businesses. In May, it reached a $750,000 settlement in a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump’s inaugural committee, alleging that it had abused donors’ funds by overpaying for rentals at the Trump International Hotel.

The governors have said they have done nothing wrong in transporting immigrants to “sanctuary cities” that may be better equipped to care for them. They say they want the rest of the nation to share the burden of what they call the Biden administration’s open border policies.

Abbott, who is also campaigning for reelection, said that he had had immigrants bused from Texas to Harris’ residence in D.C. to call attention to border security, saying on Twitter, “We’re sending migrants to her backyard to call on the Biden Administration to do its job and secure the border.”

In a statement to ProPublica and the Tribune, Abbott’s press secretary, Renae Eze, denied that any trickery has been involved in Texas’ migrant transportation program, which has now sent 8,200 people to Washington on over 195 buses, 3,200 to New York City on over 60 buses and 920 to Chicago on over 15 buses.

“These Democrat elites in our nation’s capital know nothing about Texas’ busing operations. These migrants willingly chose to go to Washington, D.C., having signed a voluntary consent waiver available in multiple languages upon boarding that they agreed on the destination. And they were processed and released by the federal government, who dumped them in small Texas border towns,” she wrote.

DeSantis’ office did not respond, but the governor has said he intends to transport more immigrants out of Florida. Ducey’s spokesperson said Arizona is working with a regional health center to ensure that immigrants are well-treated and get to their final desired destinations. Ducey has said he will continue busing migrants to Washington until he leaves office in January.

Domingo Garcia, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens, an advocacy group, said that some immigrants who were sent from Texas to Harris’ residence in Washington have told his team they were misled about their final destination. The immigrants believed they were bound for Union Station, the city’s central transportation hub, where many hoped to connect with family or trains and buses to other locations. Instead, he said, they were dropped off at about 6 a.m. in an unfamiliar spot, where a church group quickly organized to pick them up.

“I think they are being tricked and being used,” Garcia said.

Since the spring, buses have arrived almost daily at Union Station, where immigrants can now seek support from a new city Office of Migrant Services. So far, Texas taxpayers have spent about $14 million on migrant transportation, according to state records. Buses into Washington have continued in recent days, with several additional arrivals at the vice president’s residence.

Meanwhile, Florida procurement records suggest that the state transportation agency intends to continue using charter air services to transport immigrants out of the state until June 30. The vendor chosen for the charter flights is run by a state Republican donor.

The U.S. Treasury Department’s inspector general is examining Florida’s use of money from COVID-19 funds to finance its migrant transportation program, Politico reported. DeSantis’s office says it used the money properly.

I sent the following email to the two bleeding-heart knuckleheaded reporters after reading this mind-bending report…

Hello Ladies,

A quick comment regarding your story…If Governors Abbott, DeSantis and Ducey sending illegal immigrants to Washington, DC and other sanctuary cities is a “political stunt”, it stands to reason that Joe Biden opening our borders to unprecedented illegal immigration is a “political stunt” an order of magnitude greater.

And now a question: Where is your compassion for American citizens?

This unprecedented invasion on our southern is not only illegal, it is a massive coordinated effort to dramatically change the demographics and the politics of the United States of America. I, therefore, have to assume you are all-in on this effort, which begs the question, do you give a damn about America? Are you so bereft of critical thinking faculties that you can’t see that a continuation of this tactic by Biden & Co. (including you two) will ultimately turn America into the very third world type of country these illegals are escaping?

There is simply no use in having a rational conversation with your ilk, as you are convinced of your moral, ethical and intellectual superiority despite the evidence staring you in the face. You are dead wrong on this issue and you should be ashamed of yourselves…but you’re not. And that is the essence of liberalism.

On Nov. 8th you will learn that the vast majority of Americans strongly disagree with you.

The Liberator


You can reach them here: marilyn.thompson@propublica.org; perla.trevizo@propublica.org

Paul Marik speaks about the silencing of doctors who want to speak out about the COVID vaccines

By Steve Kirsch

My friends who believe the vaccine are safe have told me they would reconsider their position if any of their doctors came out against the vaccine.

I told them that doctors are afraid to speak out because they will lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative.

They find that too hard to believe.

So I wanted to interview a doctor who is very highly respected and who is not an “anti-vaxxer” to explain it to them.

The medical community had to fabricate patients, not reveal their names to Dr. Marik, in order to strip him of his ability to practice medicine.

In this video, Paul describes the methods used to silence doctors who choose to speak out.

This is why few doctors challenge the status quo. That’s wrong. That’s why they created tenure in universities to prevent abuses like this.

Criminal indictments MUST follow these unprecedented efforts to force doctors to violate their oath to “Do no harm”. – The Liberator

Bring on the Indictments & Lawsuits!

If this report from One America News isn’t prima facie evidence of criminal intent on the part of Fauci, Gates, Big Pharma, and the cabal of politicians and corporate leaders in pushing mandatory vaccines, nothing is. There is either a massive effort to control and depopulate the world, unprecedented greed, stunning incompetence, or all of the above. There is no other explanation for forcing such a horrific experiment on the world. – The Liberator