A Potential Republican Club Midterm Strategy – Nationalize the January 2021 Georgia Outcome

The Last Refuge

Electability boils down to the right kind of approved candidate.

That is an accurate context for this midterm election cycle. Factually, the income stream for the RNC improves if they have the ability to campaign against the opposition club.  The larger the outrage, the more substantial the fundraising.  The corporation makes more money in defeat, or in the minority, than it does when it wins or holds majorities.

As a result, there is a disconnect between the financial incentive of the corporation and the expressed intent of the corporation. When the RNC club wins, they have a more difficult time raising money, because people who previously contributed are now looking for results.

Combine that business model reality, with the accurate statement from Steve Deace about the club perspective of MAGA, and you begin to see the weird dynamic that surfaced in Georgia in the first week of January 2021.  Did the club want to win the two senate races?  Or was the club content to let deflated Trump voters see a lackluster club response to the 2020 election issues in Georgia, a frustration which led to wins by the opposition?

The same dynamic is established now.  Senator Mitch McConnell and the GOP club corporate donors are not happy with the unapproved candidates winning many of the 2022 primary contests.  They are not hiding their disdain, nor are they hiding their shift in midterm expectations as a result of their desire to see the unapproved republican candidates defeated.

However, there is a more looming scenario that we have been discussing.

As we have seen from their non-response to the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, the GOP club would not be disappointed to see the DOJ take down Donald Trump prior to the midterm elections.

In a national version of the Georgia result, there would likely be widespread voter anger and frustration, if the DOJ indict President Trump and the republican leadership pull the Ron DeSantis routine and stay hidden and silent.

The GOP gets rid of the issue of Donald Trump, and a 25% drop in MAGA voter turnout – the result of anger and disenfranchisement – leads to overwhelming victories for Democrats in the midterms.  The result, both Donald Trump and MAGA are essentially removed from the RNC/GOP structure.  Nothing would make that group happier than to return to the status quo of controlled and approved party candidates.  [Insert Ron DeSantis here]

In the biggest of big pictures, the important issues for the club to control surround trade, finance and economic policy.  There are trillions at stake. The multinationals and Wall Street in general would both benefit from the elimination of a political movement based on America-First national economic policy (ie. Main Street USA).

The common bond amid all of the diversity within the Trump coalition is the working-class economic connection.  No other republican politician of significance has any national economic outlook unfavorable to the multinational corporations who finance the club priority.  The only economic nationalist in the republican party is Donald Trump.  Remove him and the America-First policy is removed with him.

Let us also not be naïve or intellectually dishonest with each other.  The decision on whether to indict or not indict Donald Trump is going to be made by Democrats and Republicans alike.  Personally, I worry that decision has already been made, sometime around early June when the DOJ first inspected the documents at Mar-a-Lago, as part of a larger collaborative midterm strategy, noted above.

The picture would essentially be, have the DOJ remove Donald Trump; have the republican leadership do nothing except express faux outrage at the outcome; and then watch as a blue wave midterm election benefits both Democrat and Republican clubs.

Democrats advance their radical agenda, republicans gnash their teeth and fundraise off the radical agenda, and the 2024 presidential candidates pull out the fainting couches, gasp in horror, bewilderment and outrage over the events, while reminding the republican base that supporting law enforcement, and following the constitution, means sitting quietly and voting harder…

…. cue Ron DeSantis.

Keep a close eye on Ron DeSantis, as he could be the Establishment Republicans’ trojan horse. – The Liberator

Quote of the Day

“McConnell is telling you now what people like me have been telling you for years – the GOP would rather lose to Democrats than lose control of the party to its base. That’s what ‘electable” means – someone they approve. Mitch would rather have Mark Kelly than Blake Masters [in Arizona], for example.” – Steve Deace, Conservative Podcaster

Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump

Armstrong Economics

[This is an excerpt from the full post which can be found HERE…]

They will indict Trump. The Democrats have brought numerous actions against him and the documents seized from his residence were predominantly on RussiaGate according to sources. It was pulled off by the very same FBI agents who were in charge of RussiaGate and were under investigation by Durham. The Florida office of the FBI had nothing to do with it. This is all about (1) demonizing all Republicans for the November election to try to get the Democrats to vote for them and not overturn the Hill which would stop their agenda, so they need you to hate everyone who is a Republican. (2) They are desperate to prevent Trump from running in 2024. They need to get him in prison and there are a lot of Republicans who do not want him to run.

This is how the United States will end. They have created such hatred between left and right, there is no coming back. Once the Democrats took this path, they sealed the fate of the nation. Sorry. It is over! Those who are in Blue states that disagree with the politics had better move to a Red state. The nation will divide along the same lines historically where there were tensions. We should expect it to be the South against the North and those Midwest states that are Red will be joining the South, and the Pacific states will separate into their own little fiefdom. For example, those who are Republicans in California will be hunted down like the Jews in Germany – they will be painted with the same brush as they have used on Trump.

The demonization of Trump, the attack on Mar-a-Largo,  and his coming indictment will only backfire. It may secure the Democrats and fuel their hatred of Republicans even more, but Trump channeled the fury of average Americans against Washington back in 2016 and that will become the battle cry. I am getting emails from overseas and they view the raid on Trump as politically motivated, and as such, the respect of the United States has begun to crash and burn. This is how the West will collapse and, like it or not, our computer is not political. It shows that Russia and China will win.

Martin Armstrong doesn’t make predictions, his computer program “Socrates” – based on historical trends and social and economic cycles – does, and it has never been wrong. Not once in over forty years. Buckle up! – The Liberator


NBC’s Chuck Todd: Americans Are Angry, Disappointed, 74% Say Country on Wrong Track

Pam Key, Breitbart

NBC anchor Chuck Todd said Sunday on “Meet the Press” that a new NBC News poll finds “Americans are angry” with a graphic showing 74% of those polled say the country is on the wrong track.

Todd said, “We are less than three months before the Midterms and our brand new NBC News poll paints a pretty bleak picture. Americans are angry. They are disappointed, and they are worried about the future of this country.”

He continued, “Just 21% of adults say we are headed in the right direction. Once again three out of four Out of 4 Americans say we are on the wrong track. In fact, this number never before in this poll has this wrong track number been over 70% for this long. It’s been nearly a year now. 58% say America’s best years are behind us. That’s an all-time high in our polls.”

Todd added, “So what is behind this rise in pessimism about our country’s future? Well, it starts with this…Americans don’t like either party and they don’t like anyone in power. Take a look at this, both parties are very unpopular, one slightly over the other. It is a similar story with the both current and former presidents. The former president’s negative rising a bit faster than we have seen since our last poll.”

What a bunch of crap, Chuckie. The answer is two words: Joe Biden…and you know it. Do these media knuckleheads actually think they can influence our thinking? Even more, do they actually think it’s their job to do so? Why won’t they just report the news? Wait, never mind…we all know the answer.

– The Liberator

Border Patrol Unlocks Border Gate, Allows Illegals to Enter USA

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Video of Border Patrol agents unlocking a gate in Eagle Pass and allowing illegal immigrants to pour through after the National Guard had locked it prompted Senator Rand Paul to call for a ‘zero tolerance policy’ to be implemented.


Fox News reporter Bill Melugin tweeted footage of the incident, noting “For the first time, we witnessed the TX National Guard close & lock a gate on private property at a major crossing area in Eagle Pass, denying entry to migrants who just crossed illegally & expected to be let in. Border Patrol then came w/ a key & let them in for processing.”

Meliugin also noted “Border Patrol opening gates etc to allow migrants in is not new. They have to process migrants on US soil per federal law. What’s new is TX is now closing the gate & denying entry at this major crossing location. Always open in months past, including this video I shot in May.”

Commenting on the video, Senator Rand Paul stated “The Democrats love illegal immigration, and so they have not been willing to change the laws.

“Anybody who is caught in the act of coming in should be immediately placed back on the other side. No process, nothing. If you were caught breaking in, not through a normal portal of entry, you should go back on the other side of the river immediately,” Paul asserted.

The Senator further explained that he would like to see more incentives for legal immigration as a way of stemming the influx of undocumented migrants.

We should put more resources to allow more people to come and apply in a normal fashion at the port of entry. But I would have zero tolerance.

“Once you did that for about six months, and while I was not opposed to the wall, I think you could do it with helicopters and with maybe 50 stations along the border, and you could have it done in a month,” Paul said:


Your government doesn’t give a damn about you, and they prove it to you on a daily basis. – The Liberator

Something Is Looming Geopolitically, And We Better Start Taking It Seriously

Authored by ‘Sundance’ via The Last Refuge blog,

As a result of western governments’ taking collective action under the auspices of a ‘climate change’ agenda, we are on the cusp of something happening with ramifications that no one has ever seen before.

Western governments’, specifically western Europe, North America (U.S-Canada) and Australia/New Zealand, are intentionally trying to lower economic activity to meet the intentional drop in energy production.

This is the core consequence of the Build Back Better agenda as promoted by the World Economic Forum.

Anyone who says there is a reference point to determine both the short-term and long-term consequences is lying. There is no precedent for nations’ collectively and intentionally trying to reduce economic activity.

Hiding behind the false justification that current inflation is driven by too much demand, central banks in Europe, the Bank of England, Bank of Canada and U.S. federal reserve are raising interest rates.  The outcome we are currently feeling is an intentional economic contraction and global recession.

The Build Back Better monetary policy is successfully shrinking western economic activity; however, the impacted nations that produce goods for markets in North America and Europe, specifically southeast Asia, Japan and China, are not raising interest rates in an effort to try and offset the drop in demand.  China has announced they are dropping their central bank rates in a desperate effort to lower costs and keep their export dependent economy working.

Underneath all of this, is a drop in energy production in the same nations trying to lower economic activity.  The political policymakers are attempting to manage this process without informing the citizens of the unspoken goal.   Shortages of oil, coal and natural gas are self-inflicted problems, all part of the BBB agenda.

Beyond the massive increases in energy costs, which is the true source of inflation and a direct/intentional outcome of the BBB effort, Europe is now facing a looming winter without the energy resources to heat homes and sustain people.  Things are going to be very uncomfortable in Europe this winter as roaming brownouts are now predicted.

As the collective west attempts to, using their words, “manage the transition,” they do not have mechanisms to control an outcome of this magnitude.  It is simply too big a situation to manage.  Where the rubber meets the road, the think-tanks and high-minded climate change ideologues do not have the ability to manage a transition and still meet the needs of people.  Beyond the esoteric thinking, there are real consequences from these actions.

Many people have discussed the potential for longer-term food shortages and recently, shorter-term winter heating.  However, beyond that, the downstream geopolitical consequences are seemingly being ignored.  Instead, what we see is an effort to keep pretending the climate change ends will justify the means (disruption of energy production).

In this connected world, when the western nations stop buying things, we find ourselves domestically with economic trouble.  Businesses fail, unemployment rises, financial stress ripples throughout the economy, dependency on government subsidy increases and real pain is felt.  However, beyond the domestic issues the supplier nations run into even bigger problems.

Unemployment in Malaysia, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan and even China, creates an entirely different set of regional stability issues on a geopolitical level.

There is no precedent for this.  Never before in the history of industrialized nations has any government intentionally tried to lower its economic activity.  It has never been done with intent before because within the contraction nations get more poor, people suffer.

Not only has no single nation ever tried to intentionally shrink its wealth, but there is no precedent whatsoever for an alliance of nations to join together with the same purpose. While this might seem like an academic economic modeling exercise, unfortunately it is very real.  What I am describing is happening right now, and we had better start talking about it before the unforeseen consequences start to become a crisis.

In North America (U.S-Canada), Europe and Australia, there will continue to be massive increases in food prices as a result of the collapse in energy production.  Beyond the western nations there will be food shortages as a result of lowered harvest yields and less industrial food production.  This is not controversial.

It is also not controversial that regions with harsh winter climates are going to be paying much more for scarce heating resources.

That being accepted, what happens geopolitically, even militarily, when the entire global economy starts to feel the impacts from western nation economic contraction on a scale -created by collective action- that has never been seen before.

I have no idea what that big picture consequence looks like, but whatever “that” is, will be happening at the same time as people everywhere will be more desperate as an outcome of their economic position.  I don’t have the answers, but I sure as hell can see the problem coming.

Political leadership in the aforementioned western nations are seemingly, perhaps intentionally, keeping people distracted with domestic shiny things to occupy time.  However, someone needs to start talking about, and seriously challenging, the big picture consequence of this Build Back Better future, before it’s too late.

The world’s leading countries are being led by a cadre of grossly incompetent buffoons who have bought into the BBB/WEF scam that will put the United Nations – and them – in charge of the world economy. Or so they think.

– The Liberator